Integrated pressure sensor in VOSS components
March 15, 2016
VOSS has developed a concept for a pressure sensor integrated in the quick connect system to record the air pressure in brake, air suspension, and auxiliary consumer circuits of commercial vehicles.
The small and light sensor can be combined with different VOSS plugs (systems 230, 232, and more in plastic or brass) via a snap connection.
The suitable VOSS plug is delivered to the vehicle manufacturer fully assembled with the sensor. This can be rotated 360° for optimal e-plug assembly, but it can no longer be detached from the VOSS plug, and therefore secures against pressure loss during dismantling. The low installation space requirement allows for direct pressure measurement at the desired location, without having to generate an additional complex and expensive structure. Neither separate branches, adapters, brackets, nor other heavy metal parts are required.
In addition, the air pressure connection and pressure measurement can be combined at one location, in which case, for example, no separate port is required on the air suspension bellow.
Advantages of the integrated pressure sensor
• Very tight installation spaces can be used
• Weight and cost savings compared to current sensors due to great integration depth (resulting in optimized vibration behavior)
• Easier assembly and faster assembly times compared to current solutions
• Omission of complex structures in the vehicle (brackets, adapters,...)
• Increase of functionality of mechanical components
With slight adaptations (o-ring, pressure measurement range, ...), the sensor design can also be used for fuel applications.